Creating questionnaires
The qualitative phase of TriS Market Research consists of clear, plausible and intelligible questions. Without the prior complete listing of customer benefits there is a high risk of 'just scratching the surface' with obvious questions, or frustrating the skilled and experienced contacts we survey with trivial questions.
Excellent questionaire
We develop a questionnaire tailored to your specific issues, based on qualitative exploration analysis. Such an excellent questionnaire guarantees a proper basis for further customer surveys. Our questionnaires are practically relevant, as a result of the preliminary investigations which take place directly in the world of your customers.
Our questionnaires guarantee a solution tailored to your needs. Thanks to the process and the high level of detail of our questionnaires, TriS
Market Research delivers a plan of action for developing and positioning a new product or service on the market.
Only by asking the right questions can one get the right answers
As a customer you have surely been asked your opinion on products and services. Were you surprised at some of the 'banal' questions you were asked? Or were you searching in vain for questions that specifically asked you about your satisfaction or dissatisfaction? This doesn't happen with our surveys, as our preliminary analyses will have told us what questions we should be asking.